Today YouTube is the most popular video sharing site on the internet. Sometimes the download speed is higher but still video streaming performance may be comparatively poor.
This command prompt hack lets you remove the gap between downloading & buffering speed. This hack works perfectly on all Windows Operating Systems (8,7,XP).
Click the Start button, type “cmd”, and right click the icon to ‘Run As Administrator’
You will likely see a UAC prompt, hit “Yes”.
The command prompt window will open, this is where you will type in the commands to set your firewall rules.
Enter the following command and hit Enter. If it works, you should see a big “OK”.
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="YTHACK" dir=in action=block remoteip=, enable=yes
Rules can be easily removed too. Just get back into the command prompt in the same way and run this command, hit Enter again:
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="YTHACK"
Now, go ahead and load a YouTube video in your browser. You should see significantly improved buffering performance.
How does this work?
Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) throttle downloads from servers that host cached video. Running this command forces YouTube’s servers to push the video to you directly instead of the cached version, bypassing your ISP’s throttling.