Monday, February 17, 2014

How to Tape A Phone Call?

Call Tapping Is legal or Crime ? I Think if you are reading this Article Than Must have a Little it knowledge about cal Tapping and for what purposes It is used .

 You may have Seen in lots of Movies where police Forces Trace and Tap Criminals Mobile Phones to check With Who is Talking and sending SMS or else info. And maybe you also Wondered How if i Tap Someones Mobile phone see his Secret Talk with others . i Know Its Just a  Awesome feel But a Crime too. In movies You May have seen a hackers with some software Try to Tap Someones Mobile with It and Tap Someones Mobile . Here a Lots of Wife's Searching a Mobile or cell phone tapping tool to tap their husbands Mobile. Girl Friends wanna Tap their Boy friends Mobile and Caught. asking Like How can i Tap by Husband or Boy friends Mobile Cell phone.The Unexplained Mystery Into call tapping Uncovered Their is a Lot of Best ways to Tap a Cell phone But before Discus it with you

First of all I Wanna say this Article is Just For educational Purposes .


With the Help of technology you can tap a Cell phone easy with just a Simple software.It works like a key-logger works on PC and records all the keywords and

Screens and share it with the remote computer .Same in the case of cell phone tapping software when you installed it on someones mobile It automatically  Records all the Calls ,Emails ,SMS and share it with remote mobile or Records it in a secret folder and the Admin who installed the software can open this folder no one else .

Their are Hundreds of software or Tapping a cell phones available in the market now a days call tapping software mobile phone But all the Programs Cost you around 50$ on Monthly or yearly basis After That You May understand how to tap a phone call on a cell phone. It May cost you a Little Bit more but i Think Its just awesome software

A Better Call Tapping software include the Following Features :-

1. Records All The Calls
2. Records all the Outgoing and Incoming SMS
3. Records all the Internet websites with Passwords
4. Records all The Photo and Chat History
5. Finds the Place where The person is using the Mobile with the Help of Google Maps .
6. Listen and Records Live Calls

Best Software and Application to Tap a Phone ? 

SpyBubble :- You may have hear the name of this software. Its Best software to Track or tap a cell phone of all the Times and all the police and CID using the software till now. This software can record and Play Live calls from Victims Mobile Phones and send to your mobile .You can Trace the locations of The Person and and find with Whom he is With 3G video camera on his Mobile. Spy-Bubble is best also for Records the Email and Passwords of the Mobile cell phone. It is 95% undetectable .It Cost you a one Time Fee and After that No Need to pay anything even a Single penny.

Note :- Sorry I Will Not share The Download Link Here Because Its Not Legal to Share these Software But you can Google it.

Is it Legal to Trap or tap Someones Mobile ?

Yeah Its Legal to Tap someones Phone but Within Limit and used only for legal purposes . If you are using it for illegal Purposes than it May cost you criminal Attitude. Howeven every country have thier own rule and regulation so you can try it on your Own risk .

Names of Best Download Software For Tapping Cell phone   ?

Call interceptor -listen to in progress phone conversations

Stealth Mode - hear the environment around target phone

SMS interceptor - get there incoming/outgoing sms forwarded to your no.

Boot sim- get notification once the target phone modification the sim card

Spy Video line - watch the target phone users from there camera

Can i Use Call tapping software ?

Everyone Does not have a Legal right to Install and Load Tapping Software.
Parents use it for watching their childminders activities.
Company admin use it for within company.
partner who is cheating with you.

How to Protect Yourself from call tapping ?  

Never leave your cell phone Alone.
Always Check the software and installed apps of your mobile.
Restore Mobiles if you think about any suspicious activity on your mobile.
Always Put password and Lock your cell phone Screen.