Sunday, March 16, 2014

How to Search YouTube Playlist and Favorite Videos

YouTube offers user to save their favorite videos on their account and allows to manage them in playlists.

You can easily save any YouTube video by adding them to your Favorites, Liked, Playlist and Watch Later lists, so you can easily access them whenever you want, whether you want to watch them again. With playlists, you can put a series of videos all in one handy place. For example, you could create a playlist of all of our favorite music videos or sports clips, then watch them together.

Although YouTube provide all the necessary features to manage your Favorites and Playlist, it dose not give any option to search in Favorite and Playlist videos using keywords.  It only allows you to search your Playlist collection by their name (not the videos it contains) and allows you to search the video you have uploaded.

To search your YouTube Favorites and Playlist, you need to use a third party web tool called – YouTubeSocialSearch from Random YouTube is also a simple web tool that allows you to search through your YouTube Favorite videos (it only searches in Favorite videos, not Playlists).

How to Search In Your YouTube Playlist and Favorite Videos
Before using these applications you have to make sure your “Favorite videos” or any other “Playlists” that you want to search are not set in “Private” mode. Just set your Playlists Privacy as “Unlisted” or “Public” from your YouTube account and allow third party web tools to search in your YouTube Playlists. To search your YouTube Playlists and Favorite videos follow theses simple steps:

step 1: Log in to YouTube and set “Favorite videos” and other Playlists Privacy as “Unlisted” or “Public”.

step 2: Visit YouTubeSocialSearch and enter your YouTube username in “Username” input box.

step 3: If you want to search your “Favorite videos” select “Favorites” or select “Playlists” option to search videos in your Playlists.

step 4: Type your search keyword in the “Keywords” input box. (Optional: skip this if you want all recently added videos from Playlists)

step 5: Click “Search” button to get your videos.

Random YouTube also works similar way, after you give your YouTube user name it fetches all your “Favorite videos”. Then you can filter the videos with keywords. Since YouTube has removed the default “Favorite videos” playlist option, this my not work for new YouTube accounts. File Brick is an excellent Cloud Manager App for Windows 8 that connects with your YouTube account and allows you to browse your YouTube history, favorites, playlist and subscribed channels videos.

Note 1 : Unlisted Playlist means that only people who have the link to the video can view it. Unlisted videos Playlist won’t appear in any of YouTube's public spaces, like your channel page or search results. To share an unlisted video, just share the link with the people who you’d like to have access to it, and they’ll then be able to see it. Read more about YouTube Playlist privacy settings.

Note 2 : YouTube username and login ID are not always the same. For “Username” input, you can find your YouTube username or channel name in these URL format :<Name> or<Name>.