Sunday, February 23, 2014

Twitter Metro App Released for Windows

Download free MetroTwit for Windows desktop.
Download free MetroTwit for Windows 8.

MetroTwit is a beautiful looking, pleasure to read Twitter client for Windows desktop and Windows 8 device. MetroTwit inspired by Windows 8 metro design that celebrates an elegant and clean user interface where you will get quick access to Your Twitter timeline, mentions, messages, notifications, and other areas. You can follow the tweet links to read the entire Twitter conversation back-and-forth without missing a beat. To read more tweets, just scroll down and more will appear almost instantly.

MetroTwit  let you take control of links with an intuitive URL shortener that automatically saves you space and time tweeting. Using MetroTwit you will also to easily undo tweet to fix that silly spelling mistake before anyone notices. MetroTwit Plus user will get multiple-accounts support, that enables quickly and easily switch between different personas for work or fun - view and tweet as if you were one. MetroTwit has a number of keyboard shortcuts to make interacting with the application easier. Twitter Metro App keyboard shortcuts:

F5 – Refresh (search columns)
CTRL+N – New tweet
CTRL+F – Search Twitter
CTRL+Z – Undo tweet
CTRL+TAB – Switch account tab
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB – Reverse switch account tab